2014-03-07 16:01:12 UTC
Hi all
After the help of Dr. Cucinotta (thank you very much) and some
fprintf-statements in the musclecard-1.3.6, I have been able to run
muscletest. So, I can start investigating the pkcs#11-capabilities.
Please note the ATR, which has changed from the original of Cyberflex
eGate 32k!
I don't yet know, why the standard pin "00000000", which I loaded after
loading the card applet
does not verify in this environment.
$ opensc-tool -s b0:42:00:00:08:30:30:30:30:30:30:30:30
Using reader with a card: REINER SCT cyberJack pp_a2 (3865505373) 00 00
Sending: B0 42 00 00 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Received (SW1=0x90, SW2=0x00)
does confirm the pin.
Any explanation is welcome, thank you in advance!
I feel very pleased, that the most important unkowns have been removed:
the definitions in the services-folder.
Below is the result of runing muscletest:
Token #0
Token name : MuscleCard Applet
Slot name : REINER SCT cyberJack pp_a2 (3865505373) 00 00
Token id : 3B779400006202010000FF07
Token state : 0022
Token type : 0004 token known
Token #0
Token name : MuscleCard Applet
Slot name : REINER SCT cyberJack pp_a2 (3865505373) 00 00
Token id : 3B779400006202010000FF07
Token state : 0022
Token type : 0004 token known
Versuch dlopen:
BeginTransaction returns : Successful
GetStatus returns : Successful
Protocol version : 0001
Applet version : 0007
Total object memory : 00006000
Free object memory : 00004577
Number of used PINs : 02
Number of used Keys : 02
Currently logged identities : 0000
Please enter the PIN value: 00000000
Verify default PIN : Unknown SW: 6F00
Currently logged identities : 0000
CreateObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
WriteObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
ReadObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
Listing objects : Unknown SW: 6F00
----------------- ----------- ---- ----- ------
Free object memory : 00004577
DeleteObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
Free object memory : 00004577
GetChallenge returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
Random data : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Logout all identities : Unknown SW: 6F00
Currently logged identities : 0000
EndTransaction returns : Successful
ReleaseConn returns : Successful
After the help of Dr. Cucinotta (thank you very much) and some
fprintf-statements in the musclecard-1.3.6, I have been able to run
muscletest. So, I can start investigating the pkcs#11-capabilities.
Please note the ATR, which has changed from the original of Cyberflex
eGate 32k!
I don't yet know, why the standard pin "00000000", which I loaded after
loading the card applet
does not verify in this environment.
$ opensc-tool -s b0:42:00:00:08:30:30:30:30:30:30:30:30
Using reader with a card: REINER SCT cyberJack pp_a2 (3865505373) 00 00
Sending: B0 42 00 00 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Received (SW1=0x90, SW2=0x00)
does confirm the pin.
Any explanation is welcome, thank you in advance!
I feel very pleased, that the most important unkowns have been removed:
the definitions in the services-folder.
Below is the result of runing muscletest:
Token #0
Token name : MuscleCard Applet
Slot name : REINER SCT cyberJack pp_a2 (3865505373) 00 00
Token id : 3B779400006202010000FF07
Token state : 0022
Token type : 0004 token known
Token #0
Token name : MuscleCard Applet
Slot name : REINER SCT cyberJack pp_a2 (3865505373) 00 00
Token id : 3B779400006202010000FF07
Token state : 0022
Token type : 0004 token known
Versuch dlopen:
BeginTransaction returns : Successful
GetStatus returns : Successful
Protocol version : 0001
Applet version : 0007
Total object memory : 00006000
Free object memory : 00004577
Number of used PINs : 02
Number of used Keys : 02
Currently logged identities : 0000
Please enter the PIN value: 00000000
Verify default PIN : Unknown SW: 6F00
Currently logged identities : 0000
CreateObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
WriteObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
ReadObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
Listing objects : Unknown SW: 6F00
----------------- ----------- ---- ----- ------
Free object memory : 00004577
DeleteObject returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
Free object memory : 00004577
GetChallenge returns : Unknown SW: 6F00
Random data : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Logout all identities : Unknown SW: 6F00
Currently logged identities : 0000
EndTransaction returns : Successful
ReleaseConn returns : Successful