> Your compiler/IDE should have the required header and library, you can
> take a look at http://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com.br/2010/04/pcsc-sample-in-c.html
> for a cross platform example.
Thanks both for your input. Very useful.
I've found winscard.h (& winscard.lib) in here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\WinSCard.h
I have a concern/doubt though. Since I'm building other apps/projects using MinGW/MSYS, will that .lib file be compatible with MinGW/MSYS? Is it a static or dynamic library? I need to install this other app on several Windows machines with different OS versions, so ..... will it work?
How hard/easy would it be to port the latest version of pcsclite to Windows? (Just out of curiosity)