PC/SC lite for Windows
Sergio NNX
2014-02-10 17:36:39 UTC
Hi all,

I'm after pcsclite binaries for Windows. I've done some Google search but nothing has come up.

Thanks in advance.

Bruno Jesus
2014-02-10 18:04:01 UTC
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Sergio NNX <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm after pcsclite binaries for Windows. I've done some Google search but
> nothing has come up.

May I ask you what will you use it for? And why not use the standard
winscard that comes with Windows >= XP?

> Thanks in advance.
> Sergio.

Sergio NNX
2014-02-10 18:29:21 UTC
Ciao Bruno.

Thanks for your prompt response. I need the binaries in order to build another project/app (e.g. hostap, etc). I need the include & lib files. Where can I download standard winscard?

Thanks again.

Bruno Jesus
2014-02-10 18:39:51 UTC
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Sergio NNX <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your prompt response. I need the binaries in order to build
> another project/app (e.g. hostap, etc). I need the include & lib files.
> Where can I download standard winscard?

Your compiler/IDE should have the required header and library, you can
take a look at http://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com.br/2010/04/pcsc-sample-in-c.html
for a cross platform example.

> Thanks again.
> Sergio.

Sergio NNX
2014-02-10 20:30:51 UTC
> Your compiler/IDE should have the required header and library, you can
> take a look at http://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com.br/2010/04/pcsc-sample-in-c.html
> for a cross platform example.

Thanks both for your input. Very useful.

I've found winscard.h (& winscard.lib) in here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\WinSCard.h

I have a concern/doubt though. Since I'm building other apps/projects using MinGW/MSYS, will that .lib file be compatible with MinGW/MSYS? Is it a static or dynamic library? I need to install this other app on several Windows machines with different OS versions, so ..... will it work?

How hard/easy would it be to port the latest version of pcsclite to Windows? (Just out of curiosity)


2014-02-10 20:45:44 UTC
You should be able to find the headers and libraries in recent mingw32/64 packages (libwinscard.a and winscard.h). No need to copy from MS dev kit,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergio NNX <***@hotmail.com>
Sender: "Muscle" <muscle-***@lists.musclecard.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 20:30:51
To: MUSCLE<***@lists.musclecard.com>
Reply-To: MUSCLE <***@lists.musclecard.com>
Subject: Re: [Muscle] PC/SC lite for Windows
Michael StJohns
2014-02-10 18:16:15 UTC
Why not use the built in PCSC libraries in Windows? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380141(v=vs.85).aspx. This is the same API as in PCSC lite.

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 10, 2014, at 12:36 PM, Sergio NNX <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm after pcsclite binaries for Windows. I've done some Google search but nothing has come up.
> Thanks in advance.
> Sergio.
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